Sailing The San Juans – Post 2

This morning I woke up before Lindsey and Jackson so I could write this out to you.

It’s not really a big deal, normally wake up earlier. Or at least try to 🙂

Right now I’m writing curled up in a sleeping bag in the living room area. Even if the weather is nice, it can get cold on the boat in the morning.

The sun is out and it’s blasting full force through a port hole and hitting me like a laser beam in my left eyeball. I kinda like it.

We’re on a mooring buoy at Spencer Spit on Lopez Island right now, and it’s Wednesday. I have to type fast, cause my laptop is running low on batteries and now that we’re not connected to shore power we have limited electricity.

Spencer Spit Map

On Monday afternoon we went to get groceries for when we’re in more remote locations away from easy access to stores, or restaurants. Spencer Spit is one of those.

But at the grocery store we got about $200 worth of food and other odds and ends that should last us around 1.5 weeks or so.


Here’s a basic summary of what we got. (In no particular order.)

  • Potatoes
  • Grape tomatoes
  • Leeks
  • Onions
  • Spices (salt, and a all purpose seasoning grinder mix thing.)
  • Oatmeal
  • Pancake mix
  • Blackberry preserves
  • Butter
  • Cheese (extra sharp cheddar)
  • Hot dogs (the not-so-processed kind)
  • Sausages (Pre-cooked chicken sausages with fairly low fat)
  • “Bunny pasta” Macaroni and cheese mix.
  • Normal pasta
  • Couscous
  • Cilantro
  • Celery
  • Bell peppers
  • Milk
  • Orange juice
  • Sparking water
  • Soda
  • Sourdough bread
  • Sourdough buns
  • Tomato soup
  • Olive oil
  • Yogurt (Greek and “regular)
  • 2 big blocks of ice for refrigeration without power
  • And probably some stuff I’m forgetting…


We already had 2 dozen eggs from our awesome new neighbor, Carrie, who has her own chickens so they’re super fresh.

And we had lots of snack stuff we brought up before we went shopping in Anacortes.

But bottom line, shopping for this boat trip is kind of like just shopping normally, just a little more focused on easier to make foods and more dry foods, and not really any frozen foods.

After we went shopping, we were tired, so we got Teryaki and brought it back to the boat, and ate that. Then went to bed.

Even if you’re in the heart of town with fairly easy access to supplies, without a car, you end up walking a ton more. We’ve walked a ton in these past few days, which is nice. Especially in the current weather. However Lindsey is pregnant, in her third trimester, so she’s starting to feel that more and more. So we have to be a little careful about the activity level.

When we woke up in the morning at Anacortes, we cleaned up a few odds and ends, like took the trash out to the trash bins at the marina… We decided to get going.

So Lindsey undid the lines from the dock and threw them on the boat. And she just about jumped on board when a sudden shrill whistle came from behind.

It was another boat coming up fast behind us.

Good thing the guy on board had an awesomely loud whistle…

Or else we may have had a not-so-fun incident there.

So Lindsey stood still, I shouted, “Thanks!” To the super-whistling boat dude.

Then Lindsey noticed our boat drifted a little too far away from her, and she had to stretch really far, and pull at an awkward angle to get the boat back to her so she could jump on.

Luckily she somehow pregnant-ninja-skilled her way on deck, otherwise Jackson myself, and the dogs would have been trying to find a way to re-dock and get her back on board.

But Lindsey is awesome like that. So it somehow magically worked out.

We motored the boat out of the marina, and around the big rock-hill that protects it. Went a little ways longer, and then decided to cut the engines and set sail.

It was pretty light wind, we were only moving about 3 knots (around 3.5 miles an hour.) But we didn’t have too far to go. We were headed to Spencer Spit on Lopez Island, where we are now.


The wind kept cutting in and out. Eventually it completely died down. Normally, I’d fire up the engine, like most people, and pick up some speed while the wind isn’t cooperating.

Not this time. This time, I just rolled with it. Just sat around, not moving. In the peaceful San Juan waters. It was weirdly relaxing, and we could do it, because we didn’t really have a hard deadline on when we needed to be at Spencer Spit.


Since Jackson was napping, Lindsey thought it would be a good time to also take a nap. So it was just me out on the water, with just little wisps of wind, trying to make it to our destination.

It was fun, and I even turned off the GPS and just navigated the short distance by the paper charts, and written cruising guide. It took awhile, but we made it under sail to our destination. I only turned on the engines once we took down the sails and were within sight of the buoy we were going to tie to.

Once connected to the buoy, we made some simple food. Hot dogs. (I haven’t had hot dogs in probably a year or more. They were pretty awesome.)


After eating we got Jackson all ready, I prepared the dinghy to go to shore (pumping out a bunch of water that accumulated in the bottom, connecting the motor, and filling it with gas.) And then we let the dogs on board.

They like to jump from the boat to the dinghy, so we let them. Lucky jumped first and made it. Clover jumped second, and bounced off the side, then grabbed the pontoon with her two front claws and did a Cliff-Hanger move half submerged in water.

Then a wave hit, and she was down. Completely in the water, swimming.

I went in to grab her by the collar and lift her out, but she wasn’t coming up. Something was holding her down. Or pulling her down. Into the water.

Her leg was wrapped in a knot around the dinghy line that went from the sailboat to the dinghy.

And she was in between the two. Suddenly, bigger waves hit, and I was doing my best to keep her above water, while trying to untangle her leg, and minimize the impact of her being smashed in between the dinghy and the sailboat on each wave that went by.

Eventually I was able to get her leg unraveled from the line, and her up onto the dinghy.

She shook it off like it was no big deal and went to the back.

I think she was just trying to act tough. But she is really beat up right now, dinghy tangle incident not included. She has a bad allergy episode with patches of hair missing, and she chewed at her back left foot so much that it got infected and she can’t even stand on it, so she’s limping.

We’re trying hard to “fix” her, but from past experience, it’s tough to turn her around from these attacks, however possible. (We gave her a sulfur and coal tar bath after she got back.)

On shore, we pulled the dinghy up from the sand and tied it to a heavy piece of driftwood, and then we were off exploring.


Jackson was an intense fan of the little crabs crawling everywhere, and was not phased by them trying (and successfully) biting him.

He would just pick them up and collect them in his hands. Crab by crab.

At one point he had 8 little crabs in his fists. He wasn’t too happy when he had to let them to back. But he got over it pretty quick.

We went on shore, we waded in the water, we walked around through little rivers that form in the low-marsh there. And on a trail that connects to the pay station a deer jumped out from the woods and ran at lightning speed away from us, and back into the woods. That was pretty exciting. Because it was so fast, and loud, and close.

I could feel the vibration from the hooves impacting on the floor through my knees.



After exploring the low tide crab waters, and paying the $15 for our buoy we walked the other way around Spencer Spit so we could do a full circle. The other side of the spit has less crab activity and lots more driftwood. And a little log cabin thing at the end.

We did the full lap back to the dinghy, pushed off, and headed back to the sailboat.

For dinner we made couscous with little chunks of extra sharp cheddar, grape tomatoes, little slices of celery for crunch, and cilantro.



Jackson insisted we have milk and cookies afterwards.

Then Lindsey gave Jackson, and the dogs a bath. (Not at the same time.)

And Jackson ate a nectarine in the bath.


Then we all watched The Jungle Book again. And went to bed.

Now I’m writing this.

Time to make some breakfast. Catch ya later!

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